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     Greetings from the heartland.  I've frequently heard that if not for sheer luck or coincidence, the opportunities in life will just pass you by.  I disagree.  I've noticed that in my walk with Jesus, being faithful, available and even obedient to serve where the Holy Spirit leads opens up a whole new world of possibilities.  You should really avoid explaining away timing and events in your life as coincidence.  Your life is much more than random happenings and your Creator is much bigger than the box you use to understand Him; you may never know how your life may have an impact on others.  Be intentional.  And when you let the Holy Spirit lead, you will need to hold on for the ride; you just can't predict the "opportunities" that will cross your path.

     Some years ago, I traded the tech industry fields of data and voice networks in a large metropolitan city for the agriculture fields of the farming and cattle industry in southwest Kansas. During that time, I was elected as a school board member for six years, have been playing bass guitar in a praise and worship band for ten years, have had a short story published for the young adult Christian market, a gritty-Christian worldview suspense novel published for a mainstream audience and wrote a column for two years in a regional publication; Southwest Kansas Faith and Family.  With my wife of 36 years, we now have three grown kids who, I know will in some way, have a positive influence in the lives' of others. 


     This web page represents a collection of columns that I hope encourages, or at least gets you thinking, about living out a relevant, Christian worldview.

Be available; God Bless.



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