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Don’t Look Up!

Writer: stew mcauleystew mcauley

I suppose no amount of spin will make the emerging new normal acceptable to a majority of the baby boomers and other aging population groups. Many, who poured heart and soul into embracing freedom from tyranny and enhancing quality of life, now see a society where we seem to agree less and divide more. And aside from common denominators like a warm piece of pie with a large scoop of ice cream on top, the twisted and distorted past few years have compelled us to re-examine the strength of our faith and the limits of our practical sensibilities. Even the well-connected and well-educated have played a part in sending mixed and confusing signals that leave the masses in an utter state of distrust and confusion. Indeed, it‘s surprising how willing some people have become to accept a contrary argument no matter how absurd it might be. Maybe that’s the point.

Recently I watched a dark comedy with my daughter entitled “Don’t Look Up!”. Despite featuring A-list actors it seemed a bit quirky with the feel of a B movie. But from the opening scenes it wasn’t hard to miss the suspense; a comet, approximately 5 miles wide, was set to hit earth in six months in what was described as an “extinction-level event”. The maligned and mocked students were given little respect for having discovered the threat and sounding the alarm; with government leadership deciding there was a political advantage to changing the narrative. Rather than an all-out response to eliminate the threat, a campaign to distort any remnant of truth was aggressively concocted in order to harvest the rare minerals after it hits earth all while getting the masses to ignore the impending, life-altering result. The ”nothing to see here“ meme around the world became - “Don’t Look Up!” Despite the students’ best effort to expose the lies, and the lack of any other agency to collaborate the science, the aforementioned rock takes dead aim on earth. Boom!

Silly, you say. People don’t really think that way. Hollywood satire. Yeh, until you look back at how historical, time-honored fundamentals are being replaced with emotional, self-driven points of view. The relentless absurdity of so much news compromising reality reminds me that with the right charisma, motivation and resources, I suppose any suggestion can be morphed into "truth". From the flat-earthers, the moon-landing deniers, an absurd compulsion to normalize gender confusion and the U.S. supposedly behind 9/11, to Stevie Wonder isn’t really blind and Elvis is still alive and retired in New Zealand; there is no shortage of opinions and agendas. So what are we to do?

Don‘t give up on the mission we were created for. As believers in Christ Jesus, our assignment, our journey is not a new one; we’ve been here before. History may or may not repeat itself, but it does tend to rhyme. I mean, going back to the Civil War, it seems about every 50 years or so the country has faced some level of cultural convulsion. The fallout from WWI and WWII, civil rights and campus revolts, technology explosion of social media; if we’re honest we can use the lessons of the past to lead better in the future; particularly tumultuous times like we face now. Out of the 1960’s hippie counterculture, God allowed revival to take place. In the middle of an incredibly divided time marked by drugs, sexual revolution, riots; there were those within that generation who emerged unexpectedly to take the lead in worship and evangelizing many baby boomers. The Jesus People Movement.

Obviously, we interpret and filter information and events through a lens that lets us understand. But that's not how our Creator works. He is not limited to our finite understanding. What if, while headlines remain jammed with chaos and strife, God quietly works on the next ambassadors of change? If we stay focused on the mission God has given us, we may find out soon. All will not always be well, but when you walk in the faith, you will always have an Advocate and Champion; the Holy Spirit often works in powerful ways during perilous times.

Three-minute exposure; a snapshot of life’s imperfect harmony,” by Stew McAuley.

Encouraging your Christian Worldview



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